Taravosh Jam Co. is a Manufacturer in Iran & Middle East for design and delivery of the HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) .this type of Boiler is also known as heat recovery boiler or process gas cooler.
Taravosh Jam Co. is a Manufacturer in Iran & Middle East for design and delivery of the HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) .this type of Boiler is also known as heat recovery boiler or process gas cooler.
This plant takes hot flue gas and produces LP or MP steam for the following plant
Sulfur recovery unit
Small gas turbine
Heat recovering from high temperature exhausts flue gas
Producing LP or MP steam up to 20bar with high purity
Reducing flue gas temperature in the stack
Reducing the refractory cost of stack
Reduce heat emission to the atmosphere
Waste Heat Boilers (WHB)
Waste Heat Boilers recycle the excess energy from heat, combustible by-products.
Such systems are referred to as CHP systems of heat and power.
A WHB uses a large intake duct to maximize heat absorption. The heat is transferred to a series of water tubes to create clean, useable steam.
Economizer is a heat exchanger that uses the boiler output high gas temperature to heat the boiler feedwater. In this way, higher-temperature water is fed to the boiler and requires less energy to evaporate. This increases boiler efficiency.